

Discover: A Learner and Developer

Hey there! I'm
A Software Engineer, an enthusiast I be,
Tech's my realm, and code's my key,
In the world of web, I love to see.

Poems I'll write in lines of code,
HTML, CSS, and more I'll load,
A Full Stack Web Developer I'm known,
Crafting sites with style, on my own.

With React and Node, I'll make it shine,
Embracing challenges, I'll define,
The digital landscape, I'll innovate,
Making ideas real, no need to wait.

A learner, a dreamer, a coder's heart,
Come join me now, let's create some art,
In this journey together, we'll take flight,
Exploring new heights, in the realm of light.


Front End Development
In the realm of code, where designs take flight, Front-end wonders, my pixels ignite. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript I wield, Creating web interfaces, visually thrilled.
Back End Development
Behind the scenes, where databases reside, Back-end alchemy, my programs preside. With Node.js and servers, I ensure, Smooth functioning, my code secure.
Full Stack Web Development
Poetry of code, a dance divine, HTML, CSS, JS, MERN combined. With pixels and logic, the web I weave, A full-stack creator, believe.
UI and UX Design
User interfaces, a delightful spree, Designing experiences, for you and me. Wireframes, prototypes, and responsive design, Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD—tools align. UX's heart, empathy my guide, User flows, personas, by my side. With research, A/B testing, and usability in sight, Creating seamless journeys, pixel-perfect and bright.
Android Development
Android realms, a world so vast, Java and Kotlin, a power blast. From UI to APIs, my craft, Android apps, my legacy to last.
Game Development
Game worlds I conjure, stories to tell, Unity and C#, my magic spell. Characters dance, in worlds of art, Game development, the beats of my heart.
Enthusiast Data Science
Data-driven paths, insights unfold, In the realm of numbers, stories told. Python, R, and SQL in my hand, Pandas, NumPy—tools I command. Machine learning, algorithms I steer, From regression to clustering, models appear. Data visualization, with Matplotlib's art, Tableau, Power BI, setting charts apart. With big data, Hadoop, and Spark in tow, Predicting the future, as patterns grow.


Front End Magic
Websites I craft, with magic and flair, Front End Development, beyond compare. HTML, the structure I lay, CSS, the artist's brush in play. With JavaScript, interactivity blooms, A delightful user experience it resumes.
Back End Mastery
Behind the scenes, where power resides, Back End Development, the engine abides. Node.js, the server-side's delight, Handling requests, swift as the night. With Express.js, routes I define, Bringing data and functionality in line.
Full Stack Enigma
A holistic approach, I undertake, Full Stack Web Development, no mistake. Front end and back end, I embrace, A seamless experience, I interlace. From user interface to database store, A complete web solution I explore.
Design's Symphony
User-centered design, I hold dear, UI and UX Design, crystal clear. Colors, layouts, and interaction play, An intuitive experience I convey. From wireframes to prototypes, I create, Design's symphony, a visual state.
Android Euphoria
In the Android world, I dive, Android Development, where apps thrive. Java and Kotlin, the languages I wield, Creating apps, my creativity unsealed. From utilities to games so grand, In the realm of Android, I stand.
Game Dev Symphony
Games, an immersive world I create, Game Development, where ideas elate. Unity and C#, my tools to devise, Characters, stories, and gameplay surprise. Innovative mechanics, I design, A symphony of experiences, divine.
Data's Universe
Data's universe, a vast expanse, Data Science, where insights enhance. Python and ML, my partners in quest, Patterns and trends, I put to the test. In the realm of data, I explore, Enthusiast Data Scientist, forevermore.



A showcase of my skills, a glimpse of me,
My portfolio, the place to be.
Projects I've built, and experiences to share,
A journey through creativity, passion, and care.
From web development to design and more,
Here's a collection of what I adore.
Take a look, explore with glee,
My portfolio, a reflection of me.

E-Commerce WebApp

Shop till you drop, from the comfort of home,
An E-Commerce WebApp, no need to roam.
Products galore, a virtual bazaar,
Browse with ease, near and far.
Secure payments and user delight,
A shopping experience that feels just right.
From clothing to gadgets, it's a shopping spree,
Welcome to the world of online shopping glee.


Connections and stories, in a digital space,
SocialHub, a community, a lively embrace.
Share your thoughts, post your views,
Engage with others, no matter the hues.
From photos to articles, it's a delightful scroll,
Where hearts and minds, connect and enroll.
Be a part of conversations, open and free,
SocialHub, the place where you want to be.

TechTrends Blog

In the world of tech, where innovation thrives,
TechTrends Blog, a place for tech-savvy lives.
Latest updates and insights galore,
Dive into the world of tech, explore and adore.
From gadgets to AI, and everything in between,
A tech enthusiast's paradise, so keen.
Join the tech revolution, set the speed,
TechTrends Blog, the tech enthusiasts' lead.

Project HealthHub

HealthHub, your companion for well-being,
Where health and fitness come with meaning.
Track your progress, achieve your goal,
A holistic approach, mind, body, and soul.
A community of health enthusiasts strong,
Together, we inspire, motivate, and belong.
Embrace wellness, a life so grand,
With HealthHub, in health, we firmly stand.

Visit Project-6
Visit Project-7
Visit Project-8
Visit Project-9
Visit Project-10

About Me

Ubaid Mushtaq

I come from the picturesque valleys of Kashmir,

Pursuing Bachelor in Computer Applications, I dare.

With a passion for tech, I thrive,

Mastered web development, where dreams come alive.

Front-end and Back-end, both are my pride,

Creating seamless experiences, taking it in stride.

In the realm of data and AI, I dive deep,

Extracting insights, where patterns creep.

Hobbies and Interests

When not coding, I love to explore,

Hiking in nature, a passion I adore.

Photography and art, I find bliss,

Capturing moments, I never miss.

Books and music, my escape,

Imagination's world, no rules to reshape.

Exploring new cuisines, I'm fond,

Tasting flavors from places beyond.

Dreams and Aspirations

In this tech-savvy world, I strive,

To create innovations that'll thrive.

A startup visionary, I yearn to be,

Bringing ideas to life, setting them free.

Empowering communities, making a change,

Impactful solutions, my mission's range.

Building a better world through tech,

Connecting minds, solutions we'll trek.

Skills and Expertise

Front-end magic, I wield with grace,

HTML, CSS, and JS, my base.

Back-end mastery, the engine abides,

Node.js and Express.js, where power resides.

Data Science enthusiast, patterns I discern,

Python and ML, my skills I churn.

Android aficionado, apps I create,

Java and Kotlin, my tools so great.

Game Development, an immersive sphere,

Unity and C#, my stories premiere.

UI/UX Design, where creativity flies,

Colors, layouts, and interactions, I customize.

Let's Connect

If you'd like to collaborate or explore,

Feel free to reach out, let's open the door.

Together we can build and create,

A world of innovation, let's innovate.

Drop me a message, an email, or a line,

Let's make ideas and dreams intertwine.

Exciting ventures await, so bright,

Let's shape the future with our might.

Contact Me

If you wish to connect and stay in touch,

Here are the ways you can reach me much.










Mastering Frontend Development

Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer

Creating Stunning UI/UX Designs

Android Development Adventures

Data Science: Unveiling Insights